COANIQUEM in Chile 25′ | BurnedChildren


The Corporación de Ayuda al Niño Quemado (COANIQUEM) is a private non-profit organization in Chile dedicated to supporting burned children in Chile, Latin America and the Caribbean through its four rehabilitation centers in Chile. Since its inception in 1979, COANIQUEM has provided treatment free of charge to over 150,000 children with burns, trained over 600 burn care health professionals from Latin America and conducted research, community education, and prevention campaigns.

COANIQUEM employs a holistic approach, combining surgery, medical care, restorative healing, and comprehensive rehabilitation programs to address both physical and psychological scars. The multidisciplinary team includes trained professionals from various specialties such as medical doctors, registered nurses, physical therapists, psychologists, and social workers.

COANIQUEM’s financial statements are audited by Deloitte, and they are accredited members of the Civil Society Unit of the Department of Global Communications of the United Nations. The organization works continuously with local and international authorities to create safer environments for all. 

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2273 St. Charles Ct.
Livermore, CA 94550
IRS 501(c)(3) status – Federal Tax ID Number: 51-0381285